本系列电动机集国内外产品之优点,调速范围宽、振动小、噪音低。电机采用鼠笼型结构、运行可靠,维扩方便。装有独立的冷却风机,保证在不同转速下均有良好的冷却效果。该系列电动机在5(3)-50HZ运行时输出恒转矩,在50~100HZ运行时输出恒功率。 YXVP系列电动机的安装尺寸和功率等级均符合IEC标准,对应关系与Y系列电动机一致,互转性、通用性强。电动机采用F级绝缘,外壳防护IP44或IP54,冷却方式IC416,连续工作制(SI)。 Combining the advanced technology home and abroad,YXVP series motors posses the advantages of wide range of wide range of adjustable speed,little vibration and low noise.The squirrel cage type structure makes it reliable operation and easy maintenance,The independent cooling fan can guarantee the good cooling effect under different speed Running at 5(3)~to50Hz,this series can run smoothly under constant torque,while at 50~100Hz it delivers constant output power. Its installations dimensions and power rank conform to IEC standard.The corresponding relation is in identical with Y series motor,which is characterized by good interchangeability and versatility,This series motor adopts F grade insulation,IP44 or IP54 degree of covering protection,IC416 cooling method, continuous duty(S1). For 55kw power and below, the motor are connected in Y,while the above ones are connected in△. 它的外形及安装尺寸参照B3与B5,其中凸缘部分参照B5,机座部分参照B3. Its external dimensions and installation dimensions refer to B3 and B5, and the part or flange refers to B5, the part of frame refers to B3. 表中外形尺寸为电机最大外形尺寸,实际情况以实物为准。 External dimensions in the table are the maximum size.The actual conditions are subject to real object.
